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I have changed the battery in the fob and the installer replaced the antenna but it still will not work unless I am right up by the car. Which means. Take it to your nearest Compustar dealer and they should be able to get it out of diesel mode for you. I got in and put my key in the ignition and it wouldn’t start at all. 8awg wire and the run is only about 5 feet. My local remote place was busy so the guy took a quick look and told me it probably was my remote that was on the fritz, but I doubt that now that I can make it work by tinkering with the switch. When I hit buttons on remote my hazard lights flash 1 or 2 times, but car will not start. When I tried to set it again tonight, it set just fine. The parking lights come on for two seconds, then turn off, then flash for three times slowly. Have the person who installed it on this vehicle check it out. I called my father in law and 30minutes later he arrived only to turn on the car as if nothing happened. I not sure what I did considering all I did was remove it from the window and put it back on after I tinted it with some double sided tape. found the problem today and it did have to do with the wiring. We’ve disabled the alarm speaker so I can’t hear it but it’s still going off and my park lights blink and my car “clicks” every 5 seconds. I have a hornet alarm/remot start on my jeep but for some reason when i got to start the truck it dont do nothing… And the brake light on my dash lights up. the security light flashes when i try to start the car with the key. Because the Saturn Ion has so many problems starting in the winter I would love to have it working again. Hi I have a question, my remote control won’t start the car. Hello just want to see if you could tell me why my remote does start the car well actually when I hit the starter the lights come on but will not try to start it could you tell me what maybe wrong thank you very much all i did was change the alternator. You would need to access the “brain” that is usually installed under the driver’s side of the dash. I’ve installed a few auto starters in my day. can i download it somwere. ( the car NOT flash the lights with some error code as informed at the users manual). So I tried to reprogram it myself (button 1 & 2, repeat, button 4) but it wouldn’t get to the right option even though I kept tapping button 4 it wasn’t registering to get to the right option. Mitch, I don’t know if you will be able to help but I figured I’d ask…. I got a remote starter installed on my van 3 months ago. Bruce, you also have a strange one going on! ”´EìÄq²Ø‰ïËØãuÏf{¼$¡ô;wf; Chares, if you suspect that it has something to do with the starter, I would recommend that you take it to a reputable installer in your area for troubleshooting. It is possible that the unit is simply stuck in Valet mode. My car remote stopped working instantly, usually when i press lock unlock or start button , it do sound and car got started or got lock unlock but i now i don’t now what happen when i press any button , i see some action on remote screen like lock unlock and battery flashing but now it wont start and neither lock unlock the car, please advise me.Its Astrostart 2 way. Is there a way to open it without breaking it? Anyway, when I got the car the remote start worked one time then months later I went to use the remote start and it won’t work. There’s no place that works on command stat within 3 Hours of where I live so any help would be nice. In order to do this, please have both your vehicle's key and your Compustar/Arctic Start remote. The keyless entry doesn’t work either. Lynne, I would need a lot more information in order to offer any advice… What kind of vehicle, what make and model Remote Car Starter, etc. The dash lights, radio and heater stay on like the key was in the dash but the car does not stay running. You know, the old eruuun, eruun click. Not sure how a couple of these comments slipped past me. In the morning I hit the button to start the car. Forgot to mention a little detail, the remote starter stops working and that we are using the original remote of the car for the remote starter. and my car is still dying if it sits for 48+ hours. I press go, the parking lights flash….. thats it. AAA did find that the positive battery terminal was loose and he tightened it down. So i tried starting the key and it would not start, but all the lights and icons lit up. I have a compustar one. We jumped the car and everything seems fine. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! lol my daughters Prostart 6 purchased and installed by Canadian Tire last year on her 08 Honda civic has recently started acting funny. I did this, got out and closed the door and it kept running. – DON’T PANIC! I actually took it back to the shop that installed it and explained to them that it’s doing the exact same thing it was doing before and draining my battery. I have no idea what to do…, If it is an aftermarket alarm that is sounding, you should check for the override switch and follow the procedure to override the security system. Valet Mode prevents the system from remote starting and disables all alarm functions. My question is should I have it uninstalled which is what I’m leaning towards and is it possible for me to get a partial refund if not a full one? I found 3 inline fuses and they all looked good. I have the issue where when I press the buttons, nothing responds. Thank you. Colette, First of all, sorry for the delay. I don’t know if maybe my kids grabbed the remote and put the car into an unresponsive mode. Unfortunately, you will need to check with the manufacturer. Thank you for making these posts available, and for actually responding to people questions in such a timely manner. or possibly in valet mode? Came about today, remote doesn’t work. Model 2106U-3106U. AAA came out and tested the battery and the battery is fine. Hi: Any info would be greatly appreciated, as I have never had autp start before. You seemed very knowledgeable so I was hoping for a possible starting point. I tried again three more times and nothing. Do you know what would cause this problem. “patting myself on the back! It was in the parking for a while. It now will start the car using the remote and all the lights blink on the car as they are suppose to, and the horn chirps once when I hit lock. That will typically disengage the factory security. Call the shop that originally installed the unit or the place where you bought the remote from and see if they can offer any advice. Is it possible that the system needs to be reset? I heard my truck fire up outside, however when I went out just a few minutes later it had shut off. Mike, Hi Mitch, I have a 2006 Hummer3 that has an after market R1900 one-way AM Arctic Start remote. It is very common for a factory keyless entry system to shut down when the car is running. … I have a backup fob that was never programmed. I would appreciate your insight. it’s winter already here in Michigan. Worked fine the first day on Monday. I have made sure that the Honda is alarm is off when leaving the vehicle. It is possible that it was never hooked up. Assuming that a quality system is installed properly, there is no reason why your security would not function after installation… I wish I had a better answer. It could also be a bypass programming issue. What do I need to do? Good luck. I found a small black button with a red light behind the coin drawer where the fuses are and held it in to possibly reset the valet mode. For complete warranty details visit or the last page of this manual. any help would be appreciated, its a 08 toyota tacoma It is possible that the disarm was not wired in properly. For detailed information on purchasing a remote car starter, please consider purchasing The Ultimate Remote Car Starter Buying Guide. Hey mitch I have a 2004 avalanche and my starter has worked fine till recently it trys to start but then it doesn’t several times and sometimes it does start what could be causing it to do that? Not a guarantee that this is the issues, but based on your description, it is where I would start. I live in Ravena, NY if you happen to know of anyone who may be able to help. Put it back in park and take the key out and my truck is still running. Cause: It is rare, but does happen – in most cases, this is caused by a dead battery in the vehicle or the battery having been disconnected when being serviced. Two months ago we bought a 2013 Nissan Sentra. The lock and unlock buttons will only lock and unlock the front two doors and the trunk on occasions…..sometimes it doesn’t work at all….in this scenario I manually unlock the car and my alarm goes off nearly everytime. Hello very cool blog!! HAPPILY after trying the first thing recommended here it now works. I dont know if they are taking advantage of me?? And they told me that its fully charge ,, and my car still completely death please help me what can I do ?????? Is maybe an issue with the installation?? I have autostart model AS-1755 installed on my 2008 Nissan Versa. Useful information. new battery .. what should i look for or do , thanks, I used my remote start this morning, drove downtown and parked, my truck is a standard, so it wont activate remote start unless in neutral and park brake on. The starter is mounted under your dash and it should have a name or model on it. When I check the starter code error it give me 9 flashes, which means battery. It is likely that this is just a programming issue. hi i have a toyota pickup 1995 i installed a one way compustar starter alarm combo when i pull the emergancy brake remove the key and exit the truck the blue light stars flashing in the truck witch is normal i try the remote starer 10min later it works fine but its only after an hour or 2 the when i try to start it that i get 3 flashes then 7 flashes from my lights on my truck and the blue LED light in the truck is still flashing as normal so i dont get why the blue LED is still flashing like its good to go but wont start. Hi Mitch, I am the second owner of a 2007 Toyota Corolla. I replace the batteries ffrom the remote, reset from the car batteries by unsrewing it and reprogram the remote to the car nothing happen and it a factory alarm remote starter. I would recommend that you contact the dealer directly. Hi there Mitch, Same problem. this has been an issue for about a month now. Joe, We do not sell or install that brand. I would recommend finding a Compustar dealer in your area and take it to them for troubleshooting. I can’t read a name or number on the starter but it looks like it might be Crimestoppers. When tried for a 3rd time the car wouldn’t start remotely or with key. What now? Thank You. Most of our remote starters go into valet mode by pressing a combination of two buttons on the remote control for 1/2 second. Once again, very difficult to diagnose like this, but I would guess that the transponder bypass has lost programming.. The remote died but the car alarm that came with the remote start won’t stop. I have a 2008 Ford Expedition that came with factory keyless entry & alarm with PATS as well. It would do the same with the remote until recently. Mobile Edge is a retail store located in Lehighton, PA. We ask that you only request an estimate if you are able and willing to bring your vehicle to our facility here in Pennsylvania for installation. Also only some of the radio controls on both the panel and the steering wheel work. It is really difficult to give you any kind of diagnosis without actually taking a look at it. Any suggestions? Also, there was a day when I pressed some buttons while remote was in my pocket and the truck started and did something funny. Hi, It is possible that the starter is causing the problem, but it is just as likely that it is not. Now I go outside the car and hit the remote to start and it fires up like it should. Richard, you have a LOT of things going on there. battery in car died and sat for 2 days after installing a new battery remote doesn’t work. Any help will be greatly appreciated as I will be home and just a few weeks and need to have it on the road. When I try to start it with remote then tail lights flashs and turns off , Engines tries to start but it doesnot(I can hear sound from engine). You would do this when having service done to your vehicle. Firstech remotes carry a 1 year warranty from original date of purchase. I wish I could help, but I do not personally know any dealers in your area that I can vouch for. But this time I tried everything but it didn’t worked. So i thought “hey why not just use the key manually to unlock.” Did that and BOOM the alarm went off. I’ve tried changing the batteries in the remotes as well as reprogramming, but nothing helps. I won’t continue with the next two stories however, they were basically the exact same response. Any idea what went wrong with my Autostart? I could be wrong since I am not able to inspect it myself, but I’d bet that I’m right! iûòE²Y–E–YÁ;ú²j¡e‚ªÑ¸"誉VLYC«AžQGÇÆÐ1°ÂTÐ1Y“H:5ʔš$Ì I"u´@âS|ŽŽ*(*Y 9U2¨£ª")ÂÝw‹Ë–ˆ+î‡aiÉCøW!,ÖabyU™§ÜUUîý…ž²ì€À‚ërsÅBO•ó|=3T7: Sorry I don’t have a better answer. I bought it private sale a couple years ago and do not have a manual, and it was from another state so I wouldn’t know who installed it. wait 2 minutes…then it’s fine. So far I can only get click sounds from the car.

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