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message for dream girl

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Goodnight beautiful. “If you saw me in your dreams, would that bring a smile to your pretty face? Sweet dreams, my darling.”, 52. “When reality isn’t good enough, dreams can be pretty nice to us. Goodnight baby. Sweet dreams, my darling.”, 3. Sweet dreams to you forever, my darling.”, 25. “Tonight, I promise to give you a beautiful dream just the way you do in mine. 822 Followers, 17 Following, 28 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Anna_Dream (@anna_dream_girl) That’s how you make me feel…you amaze me! I OFFICIALLY NEED REHAB! 2. I wish you could be a part of my nights too and not just my dreams. Enjoy tonight’s sweet dreams, lovely one.”, eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'sweetlovemessages_com-banner-1','ezslot_13',113,'0','0']));5. “I plead with you to not forsake me in my dreams. “When I see you my nightmare is over. Those who don’t have it call it a dream. to make your dreams come true, you need to have a positive attitude first. Girl Guy Please select your age. Thank you for making me a part of your life. “I can’t wait to fall asleep. Sweet dreams, baby.”, 91. Enjoy it, my love.”, 26. “Seeing you in my dreams isn’t a fantasy but an extension of a good reality. I’m crazy for you! The best and the worst thing about love is that it cannot be expressed in words. Sweet dreams, my darling.”. I’m having one of those days that make me realize how lost I’d be without you. 6.we have deluxe room to enjoy massage. “I’d love to go to the end of the world with you. Sending you kisses & hugs.”, “Goodnight (her name). I want to spend a million hours making a million memories with you. Sweet dreams, my love.”, 48. “It would be a glorious night if I stood the chance of seeing you in my dream. Sleep tight and goodnight.”, “Soooo…I can’t fall asleep. . I’ll call you in the morning.”, “I’m sorry I was delayed at work tonight. “When you leave me here, I go to find you in my dream. XOXO. Sweet dreams, love.”, 64. Sweet dreams, my sweetheart.”eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'sweetlovemessages_com-leader-4','ezslot_23',120,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'sweetlovemessages_com-leader-4','ezslot_24',120,'0','1'])); 33. I’m so excited about the plans we’ve made. Image from Canva – under one-time use license, “I hope things work out for us someday. “If eternity weren’t enough to show you how much I care, I’ll just see you in my dreams as well. Sweet dreams, my love.”, 76. “, “I’m not a fan of English, but you’re like the punctuation marks in my life…you make it all come together . Good night, my love.”. No matter the years that pass by as you fall asleep, I’ll be there to cover you like your canopy. Goodnight beautiful.”, “I can’t fathom an existence without you (her name). Sweet dreams, my love.”, 60. Sweet dreams, honey.”, 92. Good night my sweetest dream. “Before you fall asleep think about me because I want to be a part of your dream. Anyway, I have reached out to so many girls on and every single message was unique, even when those girls provided no context in their profiles. It is always possible.” – Dalai … I wish you health, love, strength, and passion. Sweet dreams, my love.”, 35. “You’re the reason I pray to dream because, with you, my dream is hopeful. 3. Enjoy the night of your life, my darling.”, 18. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I’m officially annoyed by how beautiful you are. Good night my love. Good night star of my heart.”, “Millions of people are sleeping right now, millions more are awake but the only one I care about is the amazing one reading this message. It was awesome. I hope you’re feeling rested and refreshed tomorrow morning after a great night’s sleep. So dream far and wide tonight. Start this beautiful day with a positive spark. You are simply exquisite! Good night my dear.”, “A good night is not the only thing I wish you. Sending these good night love messages to her will certainly guarantee you a spot in her mind at bedtime. Sweet dreams, my heartthrob.”, 68. Wishing you a goodnight my queen.”, “Before we met, my life felt like a car stuck in traffic. “Let me be the bravest and finest man to ever walk in your dream. You bring me back to life. I met you and realized you have exactly the face that I dream of every night. With you in my life, the stars make their way into my dreams. I can’t wait until we can be together again. “Let me step into your dream and rewrite the history of your dream. Sweet dreams, my love.”, 47. “As much as my reality, my dreams cannot resist an appearance of love from you. “Sharing a kiss with you on the island of love isn’t such a bad idea, is it? Sweet dreams, love.”, 55. Sweet dreams were made for sweethearts like you. Sweet dreams, my love.”. We want you all to know that we are here for you, and we support you. Dreams Sms Messages :: Hindi Dream Text Messages. Required fields are marked *. ♥ No time to yawn; it’s brand new dawn, and I’m in love with you, girl. Good night love.”, “I say a prayer for you every night. Is it even normal to be in such a state of awe and admiration all the time?? Make your way into my life as I fall asleep tonight. Sweet dreams, my baby.”, 75. Sweet dreams, my angel.”, 77. Dream Girls will show you how you can use our Subliminal MP3 programs that are undetectable to conscious hearing but is fully picked up by her subconscious mind influencing her thoughts to enforce submissive and obedient habit forming behavior she’ll learn to accept and rely on becoming more loyal, well behaved and compliant for you. Healing: In healing dream messages, your guardian angel reminds you of the hope that God offers you to heal from whatever past pain and wounds you’ve suffered. Good night. 3) I want to be the cool night breeze which gives you goosebumps as you sleep. “Even in my dreams, no one can stand in the way of my feelings for you. Dealing with a potentially cheating partner can be quite challenging to deal with. Worry not! Sweet dreams, my love.”, 42. with our sweet good morning love messages for girlfriend, wish her a sweetest morning, and let her know that, you are always caring about her and miss her a lot. MiraMi randomly connects guys with attractive girls from around the world. Sweet dreams, love.”, 79. 2. Good night. “Dreams are a phenomenon of life. Sweet dreams, my darling.”, 38. I really want to get to know you better. Directed by Raaj Shaandilyaa. Good night, ma chéri.”, “You make my life better and better with each passing day. Have lovely dreams. “A dream of love of you and I, I hope to enjoy tonight. Goodnight.”, “Sending you hugs, kisses and sincere wishes for sweet dreams and a good night.”, “My face hurts from all the smiling I’ve done thinking about YOU . “Many thanks to you, my dreams with you, take me to the most scenic places on earth. Sweet dreams, my love.”eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'sweetlovemessages_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_10',116,'0','0'])); 16. I hope you have a good night and sleep well.”, “I’m a lucky man to have such a wonderful lady in my life. “Your face is usually overwhelmed with stunning beauty when your eyelids are closed. Sweet dreams, honey.”, 97. “Like a large edifice, I find my space in your big dreams. Maybe you met a barista on vacation, fantasized about laying them down on the coffee bar and… well, you get the picture. Good night my love, sleep tight.”, “I hope you have a good night with a restful sleep. Sweet dreams to you!”, 43. I long for the day we do not need to separate. “I’ll be your guardian angel as you sleep. Good Night Romantic Messages For Her: 18. “I want to earn another level of your love. ♥ It was attraction when we met, but now love is going to keep us together forever! Sweet dreams to you my only one.”, 84. Happy birthday… I pray you get there. “For you, I’ll dream dreams and a very sweet one at that. Sweet dreams, love.”, 93. Sweet good morning love messages for girlfriend is the most beautiful collection of morning wishes for your beloved ones. Enjoy such inspiration too, my love. Why else do I think about you from the moment I wake up, to the moment I fall asleep? I wish you warmth and love and care, all the things that you have given me since you came into my life.”, “Every little thing reminds me of you. See you in my dreams.”, “Look up at the sky tonight, see the stars, the brightest one is you. Sweet dreams, my queen.”, 94. Good night darling!”, “You’re my Woman Crush Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday…you see where this is going right? “If my night is without you, then I can’t dream again. Every girl wants to know you are always thinking of her, and it’s even better knowing that she is one of the last things on your mind before you go to sleep. #humblebrag “, “Your smile is therapeutic. And me, I call it you. “Take a deep sleep and let the melody of a sweet dream serenade you at night whilst I play the guitar. Sweet dreams, my only one.”, 9. After a long, hectic day, sometimes it just feels good to curl up in bed, hug your pillow tight and fall into deep, blissful, uninterrupted sleep. Good night.”, “Wishing you sweet dreams and a peaceful night’s sleep. “It’s a quagmire for me when I do not find you in my dream, but in your presence, all things are beautiful. I hope you know my good night love messages are one of those ways.”, “A little good night love message to say you make my heart sing. “I do not mind to be just in the minutia of your dream, as long as I’m part of it, I’ll do just fine. Sweet dreams, my love!”, eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'sweetlovemessages_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_20',118,'0','0']));21. Sweet dreams, baby.”, 56. “, “I should be asleep by now (her name), yet all I can think about is you. “Like breakfast, sweet dreams are important every night. “Channel your thoughts towards an ecstatic future. The message I got from the symbols in my dream is to conceptualize life in terms of universal truisms that all normal people can agree on like the superiority of good verses evil and to build my ideological foundation on positives and not on the negation of morally strained negatives. Good night.”, “I’m not quite sure where I’d be right now if I hadn’t met you. I hope this good night love message fills you with happy thoughts as a substitute. I enjoyed our dinner together. I hope I get the chance to kiss you goodnight and wake up with you every morning. However, you’re short on sweet words to do just that. Here are some good night love messages guaranteed to have your girlfriend dreaming about you all night long. “A good life isn’t void of sweet dreams. You make my good nights great and my great days amazing. Sweet dreams, my love.”, 44. You would be pleasantly surprised at how sending these good night messages could help you win over the girl of your dreams. I love seeing you happy and my biggest reward is seeing you smile. As I send this good night message, I am doing the falling all over again.”, “This is what I wanted you to know before you went to sleep: your smile makes me smile, your voice melts my soul and I’m enjoying every bit of it. Sweet dreams and At this very moment, it’s me and I just thought I would wish you a good night.”, “If you had a bad day, I hope these good night love messages make you smile and if not, I hope they make you smile even more. “Every queen desires a sweet dream. Sweet dreams to you, sweet love.”, 40. Sweet dreams, my darling.”, 34. I'm experiencing a 360 degree of emotional turnaround Just all because I have you. 32. “The evening is the beauty of every gorgeous because as the stars shine, they shine with it. 19. Sweet dreams, love.”, 88. I know you’ll be awesome tomorrow.”, “Have you ever been in a dream so good that you just didn’t want to wake up? Sweet dreams, my love.”, 30. I feel blessed and spoilt to have you in my life, and I hope you feel the same. Sweet dreams, my love.”eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'sweetlovemessages_com-leader-3','ezslot_22',121,'0','0'])); 37. Good night to the girl who made my dreams so beautiful that I don’t want to wake up. Sweet dreams, baby.”, 89. Good night.”, “All you do is inspire happiness in me, so I hope these good night love messages inspires pleasant dreams for you.”, “You know the saying, someone is always thinking about you at every moment. “Even if the diamonds in the sky turn ruby, do not excuse yourself from a pleasant sweet dream tonight. Dive into fascinating world of dating real girls in a private video chat. I can’t wait to see you.”, “I’m looking forward to seeing you this weekend. “The sun will lighten up your dream and I’ll beautify your imagination as you sleep. I want to hold you, touch you and then kiss you just to check if you are actually made of sugar. “, “I find myself smiling for no reason these days and you are to blame…I won’t hold it against you though . “I’ll build our world on the dreams we’ve dreamt together. “My dreams have no other purpose but to feature you in it. “Like a figure from your brightest hour, I’ll just be one call away in your dream. “In your dream, you have a glimpse of your paradise. Have a good night my darling.”, “Wishing you a good night and sweet dreams (her name). Good night my sweet, I hope you dream of me as much as I dream of you.”, “My one wish every night is to hold you in my arms, but since that’s not possible right now, I’ll just hold you in my heart. Instead, read this MenWit post and find out how easy it is to send flirty text messages that won't scare her. Those who don’t like it call it responsibility. Sweet dreams, my lady.”, 90. Sweet dreams, dear queen of my heart.”, 23. Cute Flirty Text Messages for Her. Sweet dreams, my love.”, 53. Good night, my girl.”, “Time will tell how our relationship will unfold, but I know that I want to be with you forever. “World class models have nothing on you: your pulchritude is the most picturesque whilst asleep. “Nights are for rest, do not deny yourself the pleasure. Good night, sleep tight.”, “I don’t think I tell you often enough how special you are to me and how much you’ve changed my life. Goodnight!”, “You’re the peanut butter to my jelly…we’re awesome together! Stop sending those awkward texts to the girl of your dreams. “No matter how far I go, you’ll always see me in your sweet dreams, because, I’ll always be with you. You make my life richer.”, “I can’t remember what my life was like before you walked into mine and made it better forever. Sleep tight and have a good night. A pleasant dream to you, my darling.”, eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'sweetlovemessages_com-leader-1','ezslot_2',115,'0','0']));11. Good night.”, “Good night. Good night, sleep tight.”, “Good night. No one compares to you. If you’re having writer’s block or just not sure where to start and what to say, don’t fret! “Even with your hair dishevelled, you look so good while you sleep. So, have a very sweet dream tonight, my love.”, 49. Send These Flirty Text Messages to a Girl and Check the Reaction! I love you and can’t wait to see you again. Because these lovely messages put together just to make her feel special will do just that.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'sweetlovemessages_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_15',109,'0','0'])); Any choice is a great one! !”, “You make me feel like I could bench press 1000lbs…crazy, right? Sweet dreams, love.”, 62. It was busy and chaotic. It’s a distraction! You’re the first person I’ve ever felt truly gets me. Little wonder, sweet dreams look good on you. Now give yourself to the dreams. “, “Goodnight my queen. Get on the bed, turn off the lights and close your eyes. “Dreamlands are such a therapeutic place to be. Sleep to find your strength again. Here comes the time of the day to be anything you want to be.”, 95. I wish you oceans of fun on this special day. Sleep tight!”, “Nights aren’t good for me anymore (her name)…you make me ache for a new day just so I can see you again. Birthday Wishes for Girls. Sweet dreams, love.”, 63. Sweet dreams, my love.”, 51. Good night, sweet dreams.”, “To a special girl who seems to be stealing my heart, I wish you a good night and lovely dreams. Sweet dreams, love.”. I’m wishing “Good Night” to the most beautiful girl who make my life beautiful everyday.GN!! I hope you sleep well tonight and wish you pleasant dreams.”, “I’m lying awake because I can’t put tonight out of my mind. Video: 57409169 Sweet dreams, my heartbeat.”, 73. Sweet dreams, my only love.”, Your email address will not be published. God knows how much I long to be with you during the night. “Get intoxicated by the intense pleasure of a sweet dream tonight. On this occasion, Satyam gave a message to the women of the country and said, "Watch the dream fearlessly, because this is the beginning of change. I wanted to say good night and tell you how much value you add to my life.”, “Every night that I get to see you is a good night for me. Choose a pretty card and add some flowers to make the surprise even more romantic.. 50+ Cute Messages for Her. “Your pretty face is no different from your heart when you’re asleep. Make me a part of your dream tonight, cause dreams do come true. Do have a sweet dream, my fantasy.”, 10. ! Read through and by all means, customize and copy as many messages as you wish. Sweet dreams, my love.”. 3. “, “I can’t wait to hold you in my arms again (her name). Good night beautiful.”, “I’ll be hugging my pillow and pretending it’s you so that I can have a good night. Good night angel.”, “I pray to God to lead you to my dreams while you’re asleep, so I can see you every time I shut my eyes. “Let me be the putto in your dream carrying a bow and arrow representing my love for you. They are a good way to show the girl of your dreams that she is in your thoughts before you go to bed, and that you care about something as trivial as her sleep. Sweet dreams, my heartbeat.”, 61. Good night and sleep well. A calm composed person will have a restful night’s sleep. “Princesses like you deserve a peaceful night of rest guided by archangels. “In me lies the magic to make your dream come true. I want to wish the prettiest girl I know a happy birthday. Goodnight sweetheart. These cute Instagram pics aren’t helping either! Good night, my dear.”, “I’m so glad you’re my girlfriend. See you tomorrow.”, “I feel so lucky to have met you, and I’m enjoying getting to know you. “I hope your dreams take you to a world of peace and love. Those who understand it call it destiny. Sweet dreams, beautiful.”, 98. You mean the world to me. I miss you so much.”, “I want to be with you tonight. Sweet dreams to you, angel.”, 12. So, I hope to see you soon tonight. As you lay your head down on your pillow, know that tonight is no different. Goodnight future employer . Sweet dreams, my only one.”, 87. With Ayushmann Khurrana, Nushrat Bharucha, Annu Kapoor, Manjot Singh. Sleep well.”, “I don’t know what I’d do without a caring girlfriend like you. 2) As long as they are about me and you, I wish that all your dreams come true. I’ll let you know how it goes in the morning. I hope you sleep well and have a good night.”, “I love wishing you a good night right before I go to sleep because it always helps me have sweet dreams of you.”, “I’m starting to see that before I met you, I had no real idea what a relationship and love were supposed to be like. 2021 Latest Sweet Dreams Quotes for Her - Sweet Love Messages Good night, sweet heart.”, “Every time I think of you and the great relationship we’re building, I get really excited about our future. Your angel may direct your attention to situations in your past in which you suffered and then give you a vision of how your life can become better in the future if you place your trust in God and follow where he leads you. Sleep well darling. Furthermore, every girl dreams of having a knight in shining armor who slays her demons when night falls. Cheers to all the great nights to come . Good night.”, “I’m starting to realize that I can’t remember what it was like before you came into my life. Birthday Wishes for Girls. I’ll be missing you.”, “Today was a good day…but your smile would have made it great. Sweet dreams, my love.”, eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'sweetlovemessages_com-box-4','ezslot_12',112,'0','0']));2. ♥ I could say to you a thousand words on how much I really love you, and how absolutely wonderful you are, but still then it would not be enough. “As soon as your head hits your pillow, I hope you get into a trance filled with beautiful smiles. Good night.”, “I’ve had a heavy day at work. “No matter how lonely the night gets, dreaming of you gives me the warmth of your embrace. I miss you. “I’ll bleed internally if I do not see you in my dream. Have a good night my sweet thing.”, “I just wanted to wish you a restful night’s sleep after your long day at work. “I’ll stay awake all night, so, I can make it to your beautiful dream. ♥ Each morning my dream girl becomes a reality, and I can’t wait to wake up beside you. Your email address will not be published. “You’re the whole gamut of my night. XOXO”, “I’m laying here trying to figure out how to replace your pillows and covers…because keeping you warm and comfortable is the only job I want. Because you are so sweet! I’m missing you and can’t wait to get home, so I can see you.”, “I imagine you’re pretty tired after your big day at the office. Goodnight Dr. (her name) “, “It’s getting worse Kelly. “May you wake up with the cutest smile from your sleep after a visitation from your prince charming. Sweet dreams, love.”, 85. '” – Tom Preston-Werner dating apps are growing in popularity, especially Tinder. Go on and give them a try. Sweet dreams tonight, my darling.”, 50. Some of my messages were light and some were more in depth, depending on the material that girl provided in order to work from. I celebrate you in my life. Good night gorgeous.”, “What a wonderful girlfriend I have. You deserve the best. Rom-com Movie, directed by Raaj Shaandilyaa, stars Ayushmann Khurrana who plays a 'dream girl'. Sweet dreams, my darling.”, 71. Good night my sweet.”, “I’ll make sure you stay on my mind so you don’t escape my dreams. May all your dreams come true, no matter how small or big they are. Sweet dreams to you, my lady.”eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'sweetlovemessages_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_25',125,'0','0'])); 59. Sweet dreams, love.”, 13. I’d much rather have spent the evening with you! “Nights are to travel the farthest distance. “Nights are mostly adorable when you come by your love in the world of genuine kisses. A message from our founder @thecreativedreamer_ !!! Imagine being more than that. With your dreams, compel them to challenge you." Here are some good night love messages for her you could draw inspiration from. Howbeit, sweet dreams are the experiences of kind princesses. One way to keep them happy is to send heart touching birthday wishes. Sweet dreams, my darling.”, 31. 15. Wishing I was there hugging you tight, but since I can’t be, sending you kisses and wishing you a good night. “Let me step into your dream, so we can have a frozen moment, where it would be just you and I. Good night girl. Sweet dreams, love.”, 67. 1.Happy birthday to the prettiest girl on the block. Sweet dreams, my darling.”. Sweet dreams, honey.”, 81. XOXO”, “Do me a favor baby. ♥ Your sweet love has turned me … is "dream girl" unisex body massage Centre. Good night sweetness.”, “I wish I could fill your room with scents of lavender and jasmine, just so you can have a wonderful night’s rest. Nothing makes a girl feel more special than receiving a surprise good night love messages from her beau, telling her just how sweet, special and important he thinks she is. Have a great day at work tomorrow.”, “I feel that our relationship is growing stronger every day, and I’m so excited to see where it’s going. Sweet dreams, my heartbeat.”, 6. I know I’m supposed to be playing it cool, but I’m really starting to feel like I can’t be happy without you.”, “I hope my good night love messages to you are the last ones you get so that my wishes stay fresh in your mind all night.”, “You looked very beautiful this evening. XOXO”, “Goodnight (her name). Have a good night my love.”, “There are no impossibilities in dreams and love, there will be no impossibilities when it comes to us. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Sign up for FREE today. “You look so calm when you rest your head. Woman Massage Therapist Doing Massage A Little Girl - Download From Over 155 Million High Quality Stock Photos, Images, Vectors, Stock Video. Sweet dreams, love.”, 70. 1. Messages that are original and personal never fail to make an impression! 3.available in 9 am to 11pm everyday. Good Night Text Messages for Her #1: I long for the first night we will spend together. Girl doctor does massage to a child girl. Sweet dreams, my love.”, eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'sweetlovemessages_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_26',122,'0','0']));41. “Bad days do not imply bad dreams. “I hope you enjoy a bundle of good omen in your dreams tonight. “, “I don’t know what I was doing before you (her name). Good night you whirlwind.”, “Every time I hold you in my arms, I feel at home. Sweet dreams, my love.”, 22. “I’m inspired all day after seeing you walk into my world at night. “I feel idyllic in the most sacred place of my heart when you dream about me. “For me, sweet dreams would mean having you grace my world of fantasy. Send her these messages and she would wake up with the thought of you. Anonymous. “You make everything shine brighter in my dreams. Sweet dreams, love.”, 80. I hope that you finally understand that I will love you until the end, … You deserve the best. If you keep it short and simple, will make her anticipate more such sweet messages from you! “I love you beyond the real world. It wouldn’t be W-I-L-D for this scene to play out in your dream-state. Whenever I have a bad day or a down moment, I close my eyes and think of you…works like a charm everytime! Read: Best Wishes, Messages and Quotes. “Where you love the most is where the wings of dreams would take you. 1) All figures within the dream represent an aspect of the dreamer. This is the best of all Sweet Dream my love Quotes for your Girlfriend/Wife. Sweet dream, my baby.”, 100. “We’ll make all our dreams come true. “No matter what I dream to be, dreaming of you beats them all. Sweet dreams, my love.”, 24. “No matter the hours you spend sleeping. When I’m with you I wonder If I’m awake Or I’m dreaming! Good night love messages are not just well wishes for a sweet night’s sleep. 20. Sweet Dreams Messages Sweet Dreams My Love Sweet Dreams Good Night Messages SLEEP WELL MY DEAR So this is what love can do! Sweet dreams, my love.”, 45. Wish Good night to your loved ones … Continue reading Latest 100 Good Night Text Messages, Wishes & Quotes for Him / Her 1.Happy birthday to the prettiest girl on the block. With you, it’s like I’m a Lamborghini, all alone on the highway…you make me feel so free! “Arm in arm let’s dance to our favourite song at night. We all have dreams every night, but all I want to dream about is you. “The only reason I can sleep, is the knowing I will see your beautiful face in my dreams. 58. “Tonight is going to be pretty than it was yesterday, cause, I’ll be your lover even in your sweet dreams. 4. every morning when she wakes up and wishes to see you, but she can't she will always feel sad about missing you. Good night. Good night.”, “I’ve been thinking about you all day and all evening. “Sweet dreams leave you with memories to ponder on all day. Have a sweet dream in the prettiest paradise.”, 54. Have a good night.”, “The only reason I can sleep, is the knowing I will see your beautiful face in my dreams. Have a good night sandwich partner . I know it’s going to be fun. Those who play with it call it a game. Sweet dreams, my sweetheart.”, 19. Right now, I’m homesick but I hope you have a good night.”, “I’m still trying to invent new ways to show you how much you mean to me. I’m shutting this down! Thanks for tonight’s date. Good night.”, “Every minute I’m away from you is a minute too long. Sweet dreams, honey.”, 78. You’re amazing (her name)!”, “I’m laying here and all I can think about is the curve of your lips when you smile and the way your eyes light up when you laugh. I hope you do have such a lovely fantasy.”, 39. I just wanted you to know that you mean more to me with each passing day. “If the weather weren’t kind, the dreams can always be.

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