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Jared Rice

sailing la vagabonde music

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Independent Playlstr. Tatono's music has been featured on TV shows and highly acclaimed YouTube channels. They are an Australian couple that travel the world on board the La Vagabond Catamaran. Join us as we sail the seas around the world. They are sailing around the world video blogging as they go. Lenny (Sailing La Vagabonde)is a little walk in the Lydian mode. Last year they had, as they called it, a "stowaway" and named him Lenny. We have now sailed over 90,000nm each across many oceans. They use some chilled background music & this unofficial playlist features many of these great tunes (+ a few with a similar vibe). Their videos are magnificent with some cool chilled music as a backing. 70. Erik Conover. 34. Following. Welcome to the official merchandise store for all things "Sailing La Vagabonde". Welcome on board La Vagabonde! WE'RE NOW SHIPPING TO YOU USING 100% PLASTIC-FREE COMPOSTABLE MAILERS ... Music Products We Use Booklets and Guides Featured Products. Covers From The Ocean (Elayna's Album) Search; About Us; Facebook Twitter Instagram We are an Australian couple with the dream of circumnavigating the globe by sail boat… initially having no clue of how to sail. 22.4k Followers, 243 Following, 68 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Sailing La Vagabonde Music (@lavagabondemusic) Thank you to all our artists who share their music on the show. Sailing La Vagabonde (At Anchor Mix) By Independent Playlstr. ALL CAPS TITLE. This is based on a YouTube channel called Sailing La Vagabond. Through our videos we hope to inspire others to explore alternative options of living and to spread ocean awareness. All Proceeds go to helping us get La Vaga (and us) safely around the world! Sailing La Vagabonde net worth, income and Youtube channel estimated earnings, Sailing La Vagabonde income. ... Their videos are magnificent with some cool chilled music as a backing. Music featured on weekly episodes of Sailing La Vagabonde. #Clean #Mum #Mother #Mom #Study #pregnancy #Meditation #Travel #Cruising #Folk #Acoustic #Electronic #Indie #Ambient #DownTempo … Followers. Riley & Elayna have an excellent sailing YouTube channel. SV Delos. (Unofficial) Sailing La Vagabonde (At Anchor Mix) SLV By Alec Wilson. Chasing A Plate. It's a … Follow Elayna & Riley from Australia who have bought a Beneteau Cyclades 43 yacht in Italy and plan to sail back to Australia. Below are some YouTube videos that feature my music. The Life of Jord. This is what it's like to live life on the water. Sailing La Vagabonde. 1,852 talking about this. Kara and Nate. 0 .

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